Rules of the Lac de Paladru
Engine with a power of 10 HP or higher: authorization on request to the lake guard
The authorizations to sail are issued only subject to the commitment of the holder to respect the rules of circulation and parking on the lake.
Information from the Garde du Lac at 06 32 11 48 26
Sales points:
Mr. Despierre or Mr. Guibot, Guards of the Lake,
Charavines: Tourist Office,
Paladru: Chalet Port, Camping Calatrin,
Montferrat: Campsite
Location: Camping
Lake Paladru is a private lake, belonging to the Society of Lake Paladru. It is open to the public but nautical activities are subject to the following regulations that affect all users.
Are applicable:
navigation rules on lakes and inland water bodies defined by decree 2013-251 and 253 on the general regulation of the police of inland navigation
the prefectural decree n° 2014104-0047 setting particular regulations of the police of navigation on the water of Paladru
the prefectural decree n° 84-996 protecting the biotope of the reed beds of Lake Paladru
this Regulation.
Different areas of the water
Zone delimiting the shore strip
Along the banks, a continuous zone called "strip of bank" with a width of 200 meters is marked by yellow spherical buoys. The circulation of any boat is carried out perpendicularly to the shore to reach the sea or to dock with the exception of non-motorized pleasure boats and those with motorization equal to or lower than 10 HP (7.36 kw) or in action of peach.
bathing area
Inside the "shore strip" are marked zones of enhanced protection, exclusively reserved for swimming, within which all boat traffic is prohibited.
Reed protection area
Reed beds are classified as a protection zone where bathing, parking and the movement of boats and, in general, all penetration are prohibited except for the service of authorized pontoons which is carried out in the axis of the work. Any movement of boats is prohibited within 50 meters of the front of the reedbeds and built private properties.
The parking of any boat is under the sole responsibility of its owner and at his own risk. It is limited to wharves or sheds and buoys authorized by Société du Lac. For the allocation of a place, contact Mr. Maurice DESPIERRE, guard of the lake (06 32 11 48 26).
Mooring buoys must be biconical white and be authorized by Société du Lac.
Boat parking is prohibited on the lake out of season from November 1st to March 1st, except for wharves and buoys designed to respond to tastes of wind.
It is forbidden for any boat to moor with buoys, floats, beacons, road signs and reed protection poles.
In the event of a drop in the water level, it is up to each owner to withdraw his boat in due time.
The company of Lake Paladru declines all responsibility in case of accident or incident resulting from the use or the parking of any boat, even authorized. It is therefore up to the holder of the authorization to sail and the users of the boat to make all arrangements and subscribe all insurance, so that the Society of Lake Paladru is never worried about it.
Swimming is allowed only inside the protected and supervised areas in Charavines, Le Pin, Paladru and Montferrat. Swimming across the lake is prohibited.
Canadairs can use the Paladru Lake for training or when needed. Traffic restrictions result temporarily according to the national provisions.
All boats, including float-tubes, circulating on the lake of Paladru must be provided with an authorization issued by the Company of the Lake of Paladru, according to tariff in force. The authorization to circulate relates to a boat whatever the user. It does not in itself give any right to fishing. Boats with a year or month authorization must be identifiable by a numbered sticker, provided with the authorization, to be affixed to the outer rear edge-board.
Motor boats with a power of 9.9 HP or higher are limited in number. They are subject to a special authorization. The manager of the Lake of Paladru Company is the only one authorized to issue the corresponding authorizations. Send a written request to the Company, 1671 Lake Road 38850 PALADRU. (Waiting list).
Navigation is allowed only from sunrise to sunset. The use of beach gear is prohibited outside the shore strip. The pleasure license "inland waters option" or "coastal option" is mandatory for any motor boat with a power exceeding 4.5 kW (6 HP).
A navigation certificate is mandatory for motorized vessels over 7.35 kW (10CV). The speed of movement of any motor boat is limited to 5 km/h, except outside the edge strip during the authorized period. En route, motorized boats are prohibited from approaching within 50 m of sailing boats, boats