Ensuring a balance between all the activities that take place on the lake is the subject of special monitoring by the Société du Lac. Each sport must be practiced with respect for the other.
The oar draws its line without disturbing the fisherman and gives way at the scheduled times to fast boats with powerful engines. These give up the land to the sailboats when the wind blows or the hour has passed. Divers enjoy the tranquility of the shore strip and their reserved area. And the fishermen, respecting the reedbeds, watch their lines along the water under the watchful eye of local residents.
This "father of the family" management reflects the desire of the Société du Lac to allow everyone to enjoy a lake whose total surface area of 390 hectares does not allow the creation of reserved stadiums, nor the practice of other more extremes: water scooters, kitesurfing, …
The SCI: A bit of history
Historically, the status of Lake Paladru has been that of a private domain. It was brought to the Société du Lac de Paladru when it was created in 1874.
The purpose of the Company is:
ownership, operation and enjoyment of the lake,
the administration of the Lake and the protection of its flora and fauna.
For a long time, the use of the lake - navigation, swimming, fishing and hunting - was reserved for the shareholders of the Company, with the exception of the right to fish on a third of the lake on the Charavines side allocated to the inhabitants of Colletière by virtue of a deed of gift of 1492 still in force.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the lake was mainly the domain of professional fishermen. Gradually, tourist activity on the lake developed: hotel swimming was authorized in the 1910s, the communal beaches of Paladru in 1938, Pin in 1945 and Charavines in 1961. Then navigation develops: first canoeing then sailing around 1930, finally motor boats.
The nautical activity becomes so intense, taking into account the dimensions of the lake, that it is necessary to regulate navigation and bathe. The first regulations established by the Company date from 1970. In 1975, a decree stipulated that navigation on inland waters was subject to ministerial authorisation. The first prefectural decree which manages all the nautical activities on the lake, taken in agreement with the Company dates from 1979. It stipulates that the use of any boat on the lake is subject to the prior approval of the Lake Company by Paladru. A 60-seater pleasure boat was authorized on the lake in 1985 and 1986. Failing results, this private activity will cease. From 1995, the Société du Lac will create 100 berths and 200 mooring lines.
The quality of the waters of Lac de Paladru, renowned for their transparency, will show a gradual deterioration, especially noticeable from 1957. Unable to be held responsible for this pollution, the Société du Lac turns to local authorities for the implementation installation in 1976 of a deep water withdrawal siphon and the creation of a drainage network surrounding the lake.
The variation of the level of the lake is regulated by a system of valves located in Charavines set up in 1868 to ensure the good water supply of the factories of La Fure. It is managed by the Syndicat des Usiniers de la Fure. Since 2009, a prefectural decree defines the flow of these valves according to the height of the lake according to the periods of the year. The Société du Lac is not directly responsible for the water level, but intervenes with the prefectural authorities in the event of a too marked drop.
The Société du Lac has authorized underwater excavation campaigns since 1970. It has donated all the objects found to the department of Isère on the sole condition that they be presented in a museum located on the edge of the lake.
The SCI: Resources and Expenditures
The Société du Lac de Paladru defends the necessary balance between the activities that are practiced on the lake: fishing, yachting, rowing, diving, water skiing, walking, archaeological excavations and respect for the environment. It strives to preserve family tourism and the tranquility of this space. Fishing management is delegated to the Paladru Fishermen's Association. Hunting is prohibited there.
The Company's income consists of:
- the fishing lease fee,
- les redevances des pontons et des plages pour lesquels ont été négociés des conventions or leases, These royalties were established by comparison with the royalties practiced by the State for the lakes of Savoy.
- boat navigation rights
- mooring fees.
These revenues allow the Company to:
the remuneration of the guards of the lake in charge of the surveillance, the assistance with the safety and the maintenance of the lake: reed beds, cleaning. 2 guards all year round + 1 or 2 guards in the summer as needed,
regular analysis of water quality,
protection and regeneration of reedbeds
construction and maintenance of berths and moorings.

Maurice Despierre
Sworn Guard

Genevieve Matheron
Tel: +33 6 32 11 48 26