
The waters of the lake cover the remains of two periods of occupation of the rising banks, one at the end of the Neolithic (approximately 2,700 years BC), and the other at the "millet year" (beginning of the 11th century). In both cases, these were houses built on the lake. The lake site is well known in the world of underwater excavations (Museum site - Excavations).
For the record, at the beginning of the 20th century the lake society brought a lawsuit against an unscrupulous resident who was building on the lake. Well took it because it prevented the destruction of the site of the current excavations.
Lake Paladru, which has long belonged to the Counts of Clermont, one of the great families of Dauphiné, has always remained a private domain. In 1874, the owners of the time founded between them a Civil Society, the "Society of Lake Paladru".
Since then, this company manages the water.